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» Quiz: What person from my book are you?
What person from my book are you?
created by LadyBri_Elf_DragonRider

Well, just wanting to do something different and thought this might be somewhat interesting. Eh, maybe not.

1.) What kind of person would you be?
I am a noble white dragon, though I did break a law of the dragons.
I am a queen, wanting power and will do anything for it.
I was an elf, I was a wonderful fighter, and a princess.
I am a good friend and somewhat shy.
We are identical and good friends to Airlia.
I am an evil black dragon, looking to destroy all and thinking about how to get my son to my side.
My son is a Knight! (sniff) So proud.
I am half dragon and half elf. I used to live in a small town with my father, but went to the city instead as he went to go on a quest. I hate Chris
I am dark with white hair and silent most of the time. Many believe me evil. I am a good fighter, and I love a woman who does not know.
I am next in line to be king. I wonder about my youngest brother, but also about all the people in the kingdom.
Who cares what person you will be in this book....?
I will do all I can to make sure I marry one of the princes so that I can become a PRINCESS!!
I am a good and respected king

2.) What would be your job?
I would be king!!
I will be king one day!
I am a traveler.
I am the youngest prince and a protecter to someone.
My job is to DESTROY!
We run an inn with the best ale!
I am just a sweet noble woman, waiting to get married.
I run an herb store.
I do not care about this book.
I am queen, searching for power in any way that I can.
I was a princess and a traveler.
I am a noble woman, not caring who I may hurt.
I do not have one. I am being kept in the castle for now and am about to head out into the world to search for something I lost...

3.) What is your preferable weapon?
Sword with a white dragon.
A chair or a mug.
I would not fight, but let my knight do it for me and hope he comes back alive.
Me? Fight? Let my knight do it and if he dies, money for me.
I do not fight anymore.
I do not have to fight, just get my husband to send out his knights. Or I could go find my other love...
Ummm, I just do not believe that I care.
I would mix up some ingredients and either kill or just knock them out.
I command an army, but I will fight with them with all my strength.
My weapon is sword with a black hilt, made by the woman I love.
I would use a bow and a sword if I was up close.
A sword and the strength of my friends.
Fire, claws, and tail!

4.) Just pick a color
white, shinning brightness and strength
Black, darkness WILL cover all.
I am tired of the color question. Just get this over with.
gray, nothing in life is very interesting but power
green of the forest....it is where I am at now
red...like a rose
colors are not important to me, only as long as my sword is going through someone to protect the person I swore myself to
all kinda of colors, like that of the kingdoms symbol
gold, bright and shinning
blue, as the sky
yellow, it is bright and happy
pink, I have the power over men

5.) Last: what are you in heart?
all evil in my heart
my heart is of goodness, and I fight to make sure my daughter stays safe
I have a heart, but I do not hurt. I make the decisions.
I am of pure goodness. I will watch over my child and be there if she needs me.
my heart was taken by a black dragon and I serve for him
dude, I really do not care about this.
My heart is of goodness and belonging to the woman I love. It is also dark.
My heart is given to my people.
I care only for my people and will do anything for them
I worry
I am a good friend and my heart is light and free
My heart is broken. Too many terrible things are happening to me and the man I hate is the only one who can help by telling me about my father.
Do not pick that question above, messed up. HA. mesa stupid for doing that. next one is better below
My heart is broken. I have been hurt. The person who could help is the man I hate, but he knows about my father and will not say.
We a good loyal friends with love and care in our hearts, also funniness

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