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» Quiz: The Do You Relate to my sucky life quiz
The Do You Relate to my sucky life quiz
created by kiss_me_im_shy


1.) First day of school..what are you feeling?
oh, no! im so scared...what if nobody likes me, or doesn't want to talk to me? ::shaking::
YES!! more people to make fun of! muahahaha.....heh heh heh....
who cares....im just another outcast anyways.....nobody will like me....
everybody's gonna like me! my mini-skirt will turn EVERY hot guy on! w00t

2.) shopping! what do you buy?
cute, TIGHT clothes
anything..nobody cares what i look like...
rocker clothes!! they're the best!! ......a band shirt, cute jeans, the usual!
who buys? i lift!!!!
anything wear-able!

3.) your boyfriend/girlfriend dumps you for noooo reason whatsoever.. you react by:
cutting!!!! you're depressed and get angry at yourself for any reason possible, even if it wasn't your fault.. and you cry a lot!
he/she wasn't good enough....where's the ice cream?
HAHAHA!! what a loser! how stupid can one get?! they don't know what they're missing out on! (next gf/bf they have, make fun of them,taunt them)
getting another bf/gf as soon as possible.. can't be away from anybody for a second!

4.) you get embarrassed in front of the class....you:
laugh hysterically! you're so cool, it will be the talk, and you will be the center of attention for weeks!
hold back tears.... now everybody thinks you're a loser....
oh, well..
don't care, nobody else does!

5.) you're with a group of friends when they hand you a pipe filled with marijuana.. you:
gratefully take the pipe, and take as many hits as possible for yourself!! MWAHAHA!
say ok and shyly take one hit and pass it on...
tell a parent/cops on the culprits...! you losers!!!

6.) your life suddenly turns into a death trap... your parents get divorced, your grades drop to F's, your bf/gf dumps you, anything possible goes wrong.. you:
don't care, it's normal
cry....cry, cut, do drugs...
w00t! i knew the day when i could compare to all my friends would come!!
happy happy joy joy!

7.) what's ur fave color?
black...anything dark..
pastels!! w00t
girly colors!!
i don't have any fave colors, i switch a lot!
too many!

8.) do u cut for attention?
no, im constantly depressed!,... my friends all say im emo...
gasp! cutting is bad for your health!!!
yea, sometimes, even tho i don't realize it's for attention....
sometimes.. other times are because im really depressed!

9.) what's ur fave pet?
frog, hamster, anything small
snake....kOoL!! it just at a mouse!!!

10.) what kind of music do you like?
rock, alt. rock...etc... anything with REAL music!
rap, hip hop.....boom a chicka chicka chicka boom...
contry rules!!!
heavy metal!!!!!!! w00t

11.) you look icky!! you have to go to the store..whatyu do?
grab your makeup!! try to make yourself as pretty as possible!!!!
insist that you can't possibly go out in this weather!!!
nobody cares how i look
go pretend to be a bum...

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