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» Quiz: Is your level of boredom dangerous?!
Is your level of boredom dangerous?!
created by kaleidoscopeyes

Find out if you have a serious boredom problem.

1.) It's a beautiful day outside; the sun is shining and the sky is blue. What do you decide to do?
You run outside and frolic with your many friends.
You go outside for a few minutes for some fresh air, and then head back inside.
You make it to the door before rushing back to your video games.
You can't pull your gaze from your off-the-air reruns. You just can't get enough Full House or Saved by the Bell.
You pull the blankets over your head to block the sun from getting into your eyes as you lay on the couch silently sobbing.

2.) Your little sister has a bunch of friends over to play. When they ask you to join in, you:
Laugh in their faces then call up your friend to tell them about it and laugh some more.
Say no and go back to your video games.
Chase them around the house with a water gun just for something to do.
Agree, and play with them for hours, begging their parents to let them stay longer.
Fall off the couch with shock that someone asked you to do something. Then you continue sleeping, on the floor.

3.) The pizza guy shows up at your door, with pizzas you didn't order. What do you do?
Close the door in his face, and then go back to the people your hanging out with.
Tell him he's got the wrong house, and give him directions to the house down the street with a similar address.
Pay for the pizzas, and ask him inside to help you eat them.
Jump him at the door and tie him to a chair as you show him how good you sing, all the while as he screams.
Point the remote at the door, hoping to turn off the doorbell. Then you turn your back to him as you sleep.

4.) The power goes off, leaving you with no television, or videogames. You:
Rush over to a friend's house, you're scared of the dark.
Dejectedly go next door to see if they need help calming down their children.
Wander outside in the dark, until you find someone to chat with.
Scream and smash things. Then you run through the streets crying until you're arrested for disturbing the peace.
Sit in the dark, sobbing that life just isn't fair. Then you sleep.

5.) You have a vacation coming up, this makes you:
Happy! Plenty of time to hang out with friends.
Content. You decide to maybe volunteer, or call up an old friend you haven't seen in a while.
Sad. You don't know what you'll do with all that spare time.
Terrified. You go into a frenzy and try to fill every second with something fun. You panic whenever you're alone.
Depressed. You don't know how you'll be able to sleep away an entire two weeks.

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