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» Quiz: What kind of Boyfriend are you?
What kind of Boyfriend are you?
created by Juggaletteclownlove

This quiz will tell you if you are bf material or if you are a straight asshole...find out here.

1.) When you are with your girl, are you happy to be there with her?
Yes, I could be with her all day and day.
Well, yeah I am happy for the most part, but I don't always like being there with her.
Not unless I am getting something out of it...you know what I mean?

2.) If you had to wait a really long time and I am talking like 1-3 years before your gf were to let you really do anything intimate with her would you wait or break up?
Of course I would wait, I would wait until she was truley ready...I don't mind.
I might wait a while, but I don't think I would stick around too long.
Hell no, I am not waiting that long!

3.) Would you pay for everything while on a date with her or would you make her pay?
I would pay for everything, down to that last crum.
I might split the price with her it would be a little easier for me.
Hell no that bitch can pay for herself and me.

4.) If your girlfreind where to go into a coma how long would you wait until you gave up and moved on?
I would never really move on.I can't garuntee that I wouldn't date, but as soon as she woke up I would be right there by her side.
I would kind of wait but Idon't know if I would be able to last until she woke up.
No way, its onto the next fine little lady.

5.) Do you love her or lust her?
Whether I am with her or alone iam always thinking of her and I feel happy and warm.
I want to be with her a lot but she isn't always on my mind.
Neither, I don't really care.

6.) What is your favorite color? I had to ask...just to annoy......

7.) Do you call her everynight....or at least every other day?
Yes I make sure to give her a call even if its only for a couple of minutes.
I try to call her every few days.
No either she calls me or we don't talk.
what...a phone???I am supposed to call...that explains it.

8.) If your gf did something stupid in front of your freinds, would you get embarassed and mad at her?
Not really, it just depends on how bad it was.
I wouldn't get totally mad but iwould tell her to hush and not do it.
I would slap her and tell her to shut up!

9.) Would you stop doing something you love for her.
Possibly it depends on how much I love it and how much she is against it.
I would try, but I don't think I could or would for that matter.
No thats her problem and if she wants to be with me she needs to deal with it.

10.) Do you trust her?
Kind Of
The question is, does she trust me...

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115 times this week
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