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» Quiz: who would like who?
who would like who?
created by Homosapien_Rex

would I like you? would you like me? would there be anyway to see fit?

1.) ok, hate me! color?(s)
black(absence), purple(Power), or red(blood) or all
I like any color this question is old
I am color blind id like to see colors first

2.) ok, so you want to go on adate with someone(not even having to be me)
um... I have to date?
I must find out about the person first
Id have to break up with the person I am dating first or can i date both?
I would um... go somewhere, to date, let them choose.
I want to choose where we go!

3.) control-
I want to dominate
I want to be dominated
what control, we should be equal shouldnt we?
absolutely, Control you all the way- and once in a while succumb to you(but not often! ;) )

4.) your stereo type? keep in mind there is more than what meets the eye!
it matters not, I have a fairly good soul
I would eat you alive with my ego! I am a super goth/prep!

5.) hmmm... do you like videogames?
earthbound and vagrant story all the way!
old skool
the newest and best graphics avalible! who cares about gameplay, as long as it looks nice and I can have fun killing/racing/whatever
hmp... videogames. what ever happened to the good old d&d?
how about a book a nerdy freak

6.) what do you think of books
I love them, that is agood pass time, not to mention learning!
just to learn- no other purpose, books arnt all that fun
A good sci-fi, or horror, or fantasy eats my appitite
books... I need to read new books, and edit them... TO CORRECT PEOPLE!

7.) movies?
cheesy hardcore killing!
I dont watch tv much
???? I dont really know...

8.) movies to books
books are better
movies are better
movies and books are just as good, its just they are different
movies take from your imagination!
I like cheese

9.) how useful is the internet?
It is useful to learn of humanity
I love it, I can chat!
what why the internet, I only use it to look at losers stuff like yours!
I use it for power over people/money

10.) What are you at heart?
tender, power craving sophisticated, and loving.
what do ya mean? like sensitive caring tender humorus pleasent and protective?
cold and harsh, I love myself- you will never see me unless i may dominate you.
hmm... I care not for you, I shall not tell.

11.) whats your name? this acctualy does matter
whats it matter to you?
im miss dominate you pants, I am your master and you are my slave.

12.) sanwiches pants or cheese? oh and muffins too!
all of them.
cheese and muffins- pants are fun to wear, and sandwhiches can be a good drink. j/k
im a ham slapper j/k

13.) what is your tue hair color?
other(like albino or some wierd thing)
no hair

14.) what do you think of naturalism?
it is goodto be natural, instead of hiding behind makeup and dyed stuff.
does that mean no shaving? wtf mate!?
sure whatever, im not
um... ya. sure Im a naturalist.
who the flippen heck cares?

15.) you are a girl right?
this was atest for grils? oh well i still want to see the results.
yeah, ussually.
nah, ya think?
probably let me go check.
um... no

16.) stop dont answer

17.) you wish to talk.
I will tell you when you can talk slave!
um... I say hi.
I start the conversation by poking you or some kind of physical gesture
i stir up some trouble so you must pay attention, and then speak to you.

18.) why must every thing be said at once, and give no other the chance to talk, even if it means talking over them?
becuase all thoughts must be projected, so they can be recalled later!
there is no need for such a thing.
Why, Id talk over you! I care not of what you have to say!
um... I hate you, say what you want, just leave me be.

19.) muZic?
um, techno!
rap/metal/punk/that kinda stuff
video game music(remixed correctly)/classical/chant/orchestrated- anything put together that well deserves my attention!

20.) ok so we dated for a couple of months how havethings progressed.
I find you to be completely insane, so im dumping your ass tonoight, regaurdless of your feelings or all the money you spent on me!
why, you haveno choice but to listen to what I say, slave!
I have no idea, I barely know you!
I could find out so much about you it would make you crawl in your grave early with the scare!

21.) zombies?
I hate them!
the only fear in the world I have, is that they come true!
let me att them!
runn like a little baby chicken whimp!

22.) stop dont answer this either
i think I will!

23.) the roots of your langauge go how deep?
ghetto foo!
I am indeed very sophisticated, as i know many languages.
The voice of music calls, I have the voice of the ancients bound to my genetic code, I will live through my voice. my roots, deep.
um...what do you mean?
tomboy all the way, I swear and curse like you never heard!

24.) ok, so your outlook on life?
I love life!
I hate life.
Life is what you make it. deal with your choices
I like to skip this and that, to live the moment be free, and have fun/

25.) your social shell?
It seems to be self centered i supose.
I wouldnt know, I only am aware of my innerself.
um... Like this, F- you!
I have no social shell(if you answer this YOU LIE!)

26.) what is your type of guy?
sexy, kinky- its all about the body and sex- duh!
the kind with feelings
the most powerful, a goal Id like is to dominate them!

27.) If i were so powerful, i ruled a load of people, and was very powerful, and was very important, you would-
dominate you by all means! I would use my charm- and all-powerful flux of genius and creativity, to bring you down!
I would let you be im not good enough for that kinda power.
I would attempt to seduce you, but not take you down, or trick you.
Id black mail you.
Id do nothing.

28.) are you charming, weather it be in looks or personality?
I have strong charisma.
It would be a mighty clash if someone with my emense power of charm wwould walk about in the same room as I, mass confusion!
I am kinda charming...
no charm, just brute power!

29.) are you diseased?
of course!
an eating disorder.
I am diseased with your stupid test(noticed the word means not pleasent, or feel uncomftable?)

30.) what do you think of insane people?
awsome, totaly awsome
well there are many forms of insanity, perhpas we do not truely know what it is!
they are free...
haha- lets poke them with a stick to see if they bite!

31.) on that note, freedom?
is there such a thing?
it comes with a large price.
If there was such a thing, they would be cursed for having it!
if only

32.) who are you really?
god(this is a unifacation, not male or female)
not divine, but powerful

33.) courage, authority, definite concern for your honor and your reputation. Your personal charisma gives you a powerful ascendancy over other people. this describes you?
of course foolish mortal.
no, well, maybe kinda.
yes- if you must seek inside.

34.) are you an inborn leader?
my talents of leadership obvious over rule your own!
no not really.
um I guess.
I am definatly not a leader.

35.) you and money?
I love money. it may not buy happiness but it certainly gets a whole lotta other stuff!
um... money is good, but the fact that it adds to my power is always good.
um... sure money is always good.
yup theres money alright.
I um, dont really care for money much

36.) are you tough?
I can bench more than you.
I am strong mentaly.
not really.
does it matter?

37.) um, are you resistant? to posion disease- if not d oyou recover fast?
I recover fast from disease, and poison, but I am not immune.
WTF mate?
your insane.
uh... no.

38.) what ability are you most likely to have?
controlling/manipulation becuase of my super charasmatic personality!
hypnotism, and pleasure giving
super dexterity(this is fun.)
I am very athletic.
none really.
um laser vision of course! j/k
I am very empithetic.
uh... thats for me to know and you to find out.

39.) what is your weakness in life-
I dont intend on telling you.
flesh... and touchy feely stuff.
im too open.
Im too closed.
I am too tense, and Im a neervous wreck.
I have some bad habits which could spread some nasty stuff and ruin my reputation.

40.) time is?
not important.
a season to me is aday to you.
um... time flows and the rivers repeat....
time sucks.

41.) what is your age group?
13 and under.
43 plus.

42.) religion and politics.
religion important, polotics are corrupt.
Religion is something to keep to your self, polotics shouldnt be talked about- every one has their own opionions
you will do as I say, under such catagories(with the exception of electing bush... cuase he sucks.)
hmm. I have my own- Its called the other option.

43.) would you be freaked out if I knew your personality after you gave me your name andI talked for only a few minutes, went home and the next day handed you your personality on paper?
um for sure.
no not really.
Id go and run away.
I would ASK how.
I could care less and deniy the fact its correct.

44.) what do you think is cooler?
Technology stuff, like hover vehicles and stuff. power power and more power.
nicole tesla!
magic, if it were real
Dreams coming true.

45.) and the coup de grace- the world is dying from its inhabitants, the humans... you?
leave nature to take its course!
take action, stop the humans from killing every one and everything.
I could care less, all I want is money and to live my life to the fullest
um... I didnt catch that did you say the end of the world?
uh... I dont know, I need more info to plot this out.
move off the planet.

46.) what is the coolest set up here?
flying and super speed,
teleporting and mutation of apaerence.
anything obtainable.
fire breath.
acid spit.
immortality, and fast healing
Super smarts, and the stuff to make it happen

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