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» Quiz: Personality!
created by Rose Quartz

C'mon peeps be honest with this one lol!

1.) You seen a 20 dollar bill fall out of an old woman's purse as she went to buy some groceries. What would you do?
Pretend to Tie your shoe and whisk it up!
After debating long enough about how to approach her so that she wouldn't think you took it out of her purse. She was gone...
You seen somebody else pick it up before you and give it to the old lady. The dude glared at you.
As you bending down to pick it up to give it to the old lady someone else nearly took it! You punched them. The lady got her 20 back.
You seen it flutter down and tried to catch it on it's way down but missed. THe old lady was
You start yelling at the old lady telling her to watch what falls from her purse!

2.) A New kid at school drops his/her books...
You Take her books and run to the nearest bathroom and throw them into the toilet
You See someone is starting to help her so you walk towards them and ask if you can help
You Don't know if she'll want to toucher his/her books, then decide walking away is the best decision
You Rember how when you were new no one helped you, so you smash your fist into a nearby locker and go help
You race to go help her! Hopefully no one saw her drop her books because she'll get the Reputation of a clutz.

3.) You are tripped Accidently by someones foot
You start cussing them and you tell them to stick their foot up their ass.
You just smile and act like everythings fine, just liek your friend did when she tripped over someones books on the floor
You keep staring at the floor on your way out the door
You flail at the kid and say
You say that's alright, It was partially my fault too

4.) You see a little kid begging her mother for a cheap toy, she really wants it but the mother keeps shaking her head no.
You walk over and buy the toy for yourself, who cares if it ends up in the garbage after 2 days you just wanna rub it in
You see someone else buy a toy for her so you buy a toy for a whining kid a few weeks later
You are too shy to do walk over and talk to the strangers even if it is a mother and her child
You try to kick over a display thing and you get kicked out of the store!
You Quickly buy the toy for the child, you have enouhg money anyways, you give them the toy they are both overjoyed

5.) You see a Person with his/her arms full of groceries
You ignore it, It's their problem
Some one else helps first
Your too shy to talk to him/her
It makes you so angry that this person is struggling that you kick the sidewalk you break your toe
You help the person and they were very grateful!

6.) Did you like this quiz?
No it was the worst ever! Even a dog could do better!
What did other peopel think?
Umm Maybe
Ugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I need to punch a wall!
It was very good! Exellent!

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