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» Quiz: Are you a true maggot(slipknot fan)?
Are you a true maggot(slipknot fan)?
created by joeyslipknot649

are u atrue maggot of slipknot or are you a faker because you think you will look cool infront of other people like this gay fag kid kevin at my school

1.) Who got busted for drugs in 2002?
joey, he is a cocaine addict and needs help
someone did but i forgot their name
they all did they had custom made bongs with slipknot logos on them

2.) How many songs were on M.F.K.R.?
umm wtf is mfkr?
umm wtf is is mfkr?
im too good to answer this question

3.) which three members used to be in the band Modividious?
monkey, 50 cent, and the fat one
corey, mick, and clown
craig joey and jim
craig joey and paul
joey, mick, sid

4.) which member never knew his father?
corey, joey and craig them 3 had bad childhoods
chris fehn
none of them, they knew their fathers but most of them didn't like their dads

5.) whi has the tattoo 'mustkill' on their knuckles?
they all do, it's part of being in slipknot
umm......ur face!
oops accidently pushed another answer button

6.) what member wrote the lyrics for 'scissors'?
corey.... the vocalist always writes the lyics duh!
joey and corey wrote it together

7.) which member said this about iowa i was so bord as a kid, i had 16,000 imaganary friends, i had a fukin army!
all of them said tht or somthin similar
umm they all love iowa and knitted sweaters together as kids

8.) what member of slipknot did Jessi on battle for ozzfest pretend to be?
umm i dont know

9.) what are the songs 'purity' and 'frail limb nursery' based on?
Purity the solo artist singing sensation of the late 70's
a story with someone named 'purity knight' which was later found false
a story about purity knight'
who the fuck knows
umm the monkeys who fucked up iowa and thts why slipknot dont like it, the monkeys destroyed the fun stuff in Des Moine

10.) which of these is a actual lyric from slipknot?
noises, noises, people make noises
a slit my throat and feel my soul leave my empty body drained of blood
unicorns, lolipops omi god i love these
Right now, cant find a way to get acroos when i see you
i push my fingers into my ears!!!!! its the only think that slowly stops the noise!!!!!!

11.) last question i promise!!! ok........ the ultimate question this is extremely hard!!!- what was the place slipknot had their first gig at?
the white rhino
the love shack
underground zone
the hate shack

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