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» Quiz: With what element are you most associated?
With what element are you most associated?
created by nirvananina17

Most people don't wonder which element they are related to. If you do, this quiz is for you.

1.) What can you be found doing on the average Friday night?
Seeking thrills any way you can get them, from roller coasters to bungee jumping.
You are generally alone, enjoying one of your many hobbies or just taking some quiet time to think and relax.
You can usually be found with a group of friends participating in a sensible, normal activity, like going to the movies.
You move constantly from one activity to another, and often find yourself to be the life of the party.

2.) What kinds of foods do you generally like best?
Meats, spicy foods, exotic foods
Light foods, such as salads. You don't eat often.
Heavy, filling foods. You're a fan of potatoes, breads, and any food that comes in large quantities. You like to be full.
Your taste in food depends heavily on your moods. Comfort foods are big with you.

3.) What subjects interest/interested you most in school?
Art, language, and music classes
Social science classes, and any subject that allowed you plenty of time to socialize
High-energy classes, such as physical education
Food service and family-oriented classes, as well as logical courses like math and science
School was never a big deal to you.
None of the above.

4.) What kind of music do you prefer?
Music with complexity and deep lyrics.
Loud, fast-paced music, such as punk and metal.
You can tolerate most types of music, and you usually listen to whatever is popular.
Tried-and-true music suits you best, such as classic rock and blues.

5.) What kinds of clothes do you wear?
Sensible, weather-appropriate and classic clothes. Khakis, sweaters, polos, and other clean-cut favorites fill your closet.
You wear what is stylish. Your clothes are often revealing or formfitting, and are meant to show you off and keep up with the current trends.
Your clothes are a means of expressing yourself. Whatever you wear, your personal style is unique and ever-changing.
You dress to shock. Your clothesx are flashy, unusual, and bound to get you attention.

6.) How would you describe yourself?
Artistic, moody, intense
Bold, outgoing, loud
Sensible, calm, logical
Popular, intelligent, restless

7.) Last but not least, the most common question of all...what is your favorite color?
Pastel colors, such as baby blue and pink...nothing too bright, intense, or depressing
Intense shades...you like colors in their purest state
Deep, dark colors suit you best.
Neutral colors, such as beige and green, are your favorites.

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23 times this week
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