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» Quiz: Are you a Pouser?
Are you a Pouser?
created by 2hrdcore4u

A great quiz I spent alot of time and energy creating. I actually did alot phycology reasearch for this baby. Took me well over a month to create.

1.) What kind of music do you listen to?
Whatever is on the radio
I don't really listen to music
I sit in my kitchen with pots and pans and pretend to be a member of blink182
I hate music, anyone who listens to it is wasting their time. The corperate machine pushes propaganda through music and pop culture.

2.) What kind of clothes do you wear?
Jeans and T-shirts I buy at the mall.
Nothing but black with lots of lil' zippers and buckle things that cost me like way too much but I dont really care because its my parents money.
Tight plaid pants and an even tighter shirt with a blazer and black thick rimmed glasses.
Whatever is for sale at Wal-Mart
Anything from a thrift store.
Cut off jeans shorts with a Metallica shirt.
Extra baggy jeans and a T shirt you could fit rhode island inside.

3.) Do you do good in school?
All a's or else my parents would kill me!
Just enough to pass.
Mostly A's and B's and the occasional C or D
Fuck school! I have more important things to do besides get a public education.

4.) What kind of acessories do you wear?
I wear alot of baseball caps.
Tons of platic bracelets and some spike ones too. Just crazy ass shit all up and down my arms.
A peice of ice the size of greenland.
I dont like accesories
Just whatever really, I dont wear anything specific, just whatever appeals to me at the time.
Just novelty hats but only when I party.

5.) What are your hobbies?
Console/Computer gaming
Reading and/or writing
Drawing porno
Organized sports at school
I get intoxicated on a regular basis.

6.) What is your favorite genre of movie?
Foreign Films
Chick Flicks! OMG I CRY SO MUCH!
Trippy ass films that blow your mind like somone put a twelve gauge to your temple.

7.) Do smoke cigarettes?
No! My parents would kill me!
Never really cared to try them.
Very rarely
Whenever I am offered one
I buy my own all the time

8.) You and your friend go to a party and someone offers you a hit of crack, what do you do?
You hit that shit like you've smoked crack all your life
You say No thanks, ive got my own and bust out a Joint.
You kindly decline the offer to smoke crack.
You te'll the person you are alegeric and ask your friend to drive you home and you tell you parents about how good of a kid you are.

9.) You buy an awesome new hat that youve never even seen before, and it barely costs you anything! The next week at school about 100 different people get the same hat. How do you react?
Ditch your crappy now-unorginal hat and search for a new one.
Critize the other hat wearers in front of your friends.
Punch one of the hat wearers in the face and call him a jive turkey
Keep your cool hat and keep on truckin'
Wear it in a different way to add a little spice to your look

10.) Do you think for yourself?
No, but at least I'm honest!

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