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» Quiz: what kind of toy are you?
what kind of toy are you?
created by deathintheashmeadow

Are you or are you not a toy? this quiz was not as good as i planned, be warned. It should have been longer and funnier but I got side tracked...

1.) how easily tricked are you?
Very easily
I dont have to be tricked, just look at my physique!
As long as im in on the action, im fine- but the enemy tends to get the best of my Brain-brawn ratio.
I am told what to do, so then I do it. My words are spoken for me, I just go with the flow.
My life is evil. my mind is evil. I am living evil. You cannot trick pure evil.
Im not easily tricked, unless its a new victem for bait!
I have a master- I can go for days and days without rest, I just got up and danced all day.
I am often tricked into hurting others.
I am submissive, I am not tricked, but scared.
I live on a set schedule, I always do the same things over and over again. I can be tricked to leave it, but I will then be veered off forever, and...
Im not. I make my own mind up, and I live by it.
I trick other people, because its so easy. but i am not easily tricked.
Trickery, its all part of the mind! People are always looking for ways to trick other people to feel dominant. I am tricked by no man/woman

2.) What do you like to wear?
regular clothes for the regular person.
only the best looking stuff.
something that is easy to move around in.
I am told how to dress.
only the darkest and most sinister things can I bear, Goth makeup, cloaks, fishnet(or what ever its called) bring it on!
trousers and sneakers
the same stuff i was wearing for a couple of weeks.
only the most revealing, and occasionaly handcuffs for it.
metal, jewlery- just gotta be metal. steel toed boots?
I wear what i want, and not according to peer pressure either(be truely honest if your going to answer this.)
I wear all the best stuff, noot necicarily the most expensive, but the hardiest. when it wears out, i need more!
Youll never see me, so whats it matter to you what i wear?

3.) what color is your hair?
any! I just want to fit in!
only blonde, its the hottest!
short, whatever it is, most likely brunnette(brown dark brown and black)
my hair is fake.
black, only black.
what ever color it is after your dead! white i guess(silver, salt and pepper, platinum)
why are you looking at my hair? I have other places to look at...
some other color, unnatural- just to stick out.
What ever color I want.
eh, it doesnt matter- I am not judged by my hair. I am me.
albino, no color. I am rarely ever seen outside, so it shouldnt matter.

4.) what color are your eyes?
sad brown.
only the sexist- pink!
the color the enemy turns when i defeat him at his own game!
the one my caretaker likes
Black, Red and all other deep depressors
I havent looked. bloodshot?
I dont have any eyes really...
I wear the contacts for you... Purple!
you cant see through my reflective glasses can you?
I have my own kind- they change color according to my mood.
what ever I was born with. Why do they make you shiver?
Colorless... albino remember?

5.) what do your eyes look like?
like eyes!
only the best, the laser surgery had it good for me!
Im to busy to answer
all black and lifeless like.
Large, round, dark with the visions of hell reflecting out of them
a little scratched up.
one solid color-flat
two dots
cats eyes contacts
mirrored contacts, you aint gonna see my real eyes.
Like any other mammal. round round and oh yeah round.
the center blackness changes according to the light but spherical.
youll probably never see them.

6.) what is your favorite color?
what ever is popular.
I think the best color is the one I can show off the most!
the blending in kind.(cameo any terrain)
Black and white.
I hate color, I need abcenence- Black.
Blood color.
The color of the circles im starting to see...
white... or clear... for some reason.
Metallic colors.
what ever im comfortable with!
I make you like a color!
The purpley shadowness of my slumber.

7.) whats your style?
anything poular
the best of the best
cameo, boots, make up and stuff
a suite
goth. duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
hilbilly style
ragged clothes
the most reavealing
80's techno rave shtuff.
what ever I want.
Ill make the fashion satements.
cloak and dagger

8.) last question I guess. why did the chiken cross the road?
cause it wanted to get to the other side! duh.
cuase it was running after me, cuase I look so good.
Cuase i was running after it with a bazooka
I dunno why?
Cuase I ripped its head off and now its running that way by reflex.
are you kidding? its cuase i apeared and was running after him with my knife.
Becuase i was going to eat it.
Becuase he got poked in the ass by some vodoo.
becuase it was runing from the KFC on this side
cuase i shot a lserbeam up its ass.
becuase it felt like it
Did it? really?
the chicken was first.

9.) ok this is the last qeustion: fav qoute? phrase or song lyric.
Get off my propurty!(fuzzy lumpkins power puff girls)
Im too sexy for my shit, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts...
nailed them!
you barge in here quite uninvited, break glasses, and then quite casually anounce that were all dead.
??? Im gonna get you?
dont fear the reaper!
it will come up and get you right in the rear when you least expect it.
take me away!
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
ugh, i have my own thanks
I make phrass for people to say.
Its god, hes calling collect!

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