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» Quiz: Are you a good friend?
Are you a good friend?
created by cutelilttlechick09

If you answer this quiz with the truth, then you will really know if you are a good friend.

1.) Your friend runs up to you during passing period, face flushed and eyes red. You ask her whats wrong and she tells you that her math teacher just tried to harass her and she's really scared. What do you do?
Uhh...nothing? I don't know. I would probably tell my mom though.
I would rush her to the counselor or principal.
I would take her to the office to talk to the principal, sitting next to her the entire time. Then, I would make sure that something was done about it
I would go tell the teacher to keep his hands to himself.
I wouldn't do anything really. It's not my business anyway...right?

2.) You overhear someone talking really bad about your friend. Do you tell her?
Of course! She deserves to know!
Yeah...but first I would tell some other people about it. That way she would hear it from alot of people.
No, who cares?
Probably not. It would be mean anyway.
Of course not! I would never want to bring her down.

3.) A nasty rumor is going around that your friend is on drugs. No one believes her that it's not true and she gets really upset. You...
tell her it will be ok. Everyone will forget next week!
tell everyone otherwise when you hear them talking about her.
try to find the source of the rumor and talk to the person. Its really not fair for such a great friend to have to go through that.
stay out of it completlely!
don't spread it. That would make things worse.
do nothing. A rumor is just a rumor!

4.) Your friends' really hott boyfriend makes a move on you when she is not around. What do you do?
I would tell him that he has a girlfriend and that he should not be doing that.
Chew him out for even thinking of cheating on your friend.
Nothing...for a second.
Let him! He's really hott, besides, she'll never know.
I would just make sure no one was looking.

5.) You tell your friend something really secret, that nobody knows. When you hear someone talking about it a week later, do you suspect she blabbed?
Well, I know I can trust her...but I still have some doubts.
Kinda, but I don't make any accusations until I actually talk to her.
Of course. She was the only who knew! Who else could have told?
Heck yeah! What a great friend SHE was!
I don't WANT to think it was her, but do I really have a choice?

6.) Lastly, how long do you usually stay in a friendship?
uh...a few months?
a year or more.
many years.
a half a year
several months I guess.

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133 times this week
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