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» Quiz: What's your Attractor Factor?
What's your Attractor Factor?
created by lykwoah

Answer these quick questions to scope out your guy-getting style in a flash.

1.) An hour before a friend's birthday dinner, your latest fling asks you to a movie because his friend has bailed on him. You:
Say, Sorry girls! You would rather Mouth-to-Mouth with this cutey than a night out.
Take a raincheck on the movie, but offer to meet him after the party.
Say, Are you kidding? This night is reserved for the girls!

2.) You start climbing the walls and thinking you're an undesirable troll if you haven't had a date in:
Two months, but who's counting?
One month.
One week.

3.) A cute guy walks in while you're raving about your favourite band to your friends. When he says they're totally crap, you:
Tell him has a right to his opinion, but you still love the band.
Step onto your soapbox and point out the band's achievements and unique sound.
Cosy up to him and compliment his fine taste in music.

4.) How many guy friends have you crossed the kissing line with?
None. You would never risk the friendships for some fooling around.
It's more like how many haven't you.
Just two, during wild nights out.

5.) If you were a character on Sex and the City, you'd be:
Samantha. You're a full-time, no-holds-barred flirt.
Miranda. You're so fed up you'd rather read a good biography than brave the bar scene.
Carrie. You love boys but not enough to make your whole world revolve around them.

6.) What video flick would you pick for a night in alone?
Notting Hill. It's romantic and funny.
The Sixth Sense. You heard it has an incredible plot twist at the end.
The Beach. It might suck but Leo looks hot.

7.) What's the max number of guys you've dated at once?
Five, or was it six?
Three, but you don't make a habit of it.
Two for just a week- and that was pushing it.

8.) At a work seminar, a 6-foot-plus sex god sits in front of you. You:
Make clever comments during the lecture to get his attention.
Are annoyed that the Jolly Green Giant is blocking your view.
Switch to the seat next to him and start

9.) The Enrique Iglesias lookalike you've been seeing said he'd call to make plans for the weekend. It's Thursday and he still hasn't called. You:
Give him a mental sayonara. You knew you'd be salsa-ing alone soon anyway - might as well start now.
Leave him a seductive voicemail message about what you want to do to him.
Secretly hope he calls, but don't let it stop you from making alternative plans.

10.) Your bar behaviour usually involves:
Sauntering around scouting out any spunks. If there's no potentials - you're outta there.
Getting in line for a drink and then doing a subtle scan for guys.
Ignoring the scene, making a beeline for the empty end of the bar, and praying that your friend shows up soon.

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