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» Quiz: What kind of boy would you fancy?
What kind of boy would you fancy?
created by Pazzle

A bunch of stereotypical catagories that we all hate but fall into anyway decide who is your perfect man.7

1.) What kind of music do you like?
Whatever's playing on the most popular radio station
Hard core metal! Stuff that talks about real emotions, not that bubble-gum love crap!
Songs by bands you're too uncool to have heard of that sing REAL poetry
Man, good ole country that I was raised on
Dude... I don't care
Progressive rock and techno. Stuff you can DDR to.
Just about anything, I guess. Jazz, rap, pop, whatever.

2.) Say you're going somewhere and he asks you what to wear (just imagine)...
Whatever you want, kiddo
No black socks with shorts.. and leave your anime T-shirt at home
Please something without any stains
Crawl into those Wranglers and don't forget that sexy Stetson
Plaid crap, lots of studs, sweatbands on the wrists, and colored gel!!
Anything vintage and plastic rimmed glasses
Same thing as the other guy with chains and crap, but all in black. And no f'n gel
Something that will look cute! Like a polo!

3.) What is that special thing that he does when you're together...
Give you a flower. Aww.
Carve your name into his arm
Write a poem
Stick his tongue down your throat. Tastey.
Pay attention to you and actually carry on a conversation
Just be himself. Not his character.
Give you weed
Hold the door open for you.

4.) What is the most fun you have?
Watching 'Finding Nemo' and eating junk food
Going to a big party or formal dance
Beat every game on the XBox (because you can)
Burn stuff
Smoke stuff
Go to one crazy-arse concert
Go somewhere out of town and ride...or swim...or barn swing...hey, that's fun
Drink, smoke, talk about life, and make love

5.) How would you describe yourself assuming you want a boy like you, and if not, how would you describe him?
Just really friendly! Hanging out with friends is so much fun. It's easy to get excited about clothes. High school is so much fun!
Quiet, dark, alone, secluded. Only a few people can be close to me. Life really bites sometimes.
Oh, to be a teenager with torrent emotions running wild for torrent loves... music saves me. And so do a few drinks.
Life bites. Parents bite. School bites. Authority bites. I wish I lived by myself. Maybe you could come.
I like small towns. I like things the way they are. I like the South. I like the country. I like Oklahoma. Arkansas is all right, too.
My life doesn't really make much sense, but at least I have a way to get out of it.
I really enjoy reading. And fantasy. And video games. And anime. And stragedy. And intelligence.
Not too special to you, although in someone else's eyes, I might just be the whoooole world.

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