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» Quiz: Your existence in the world around you
Your existence in the world around you
created by neferio

People tell your who you are or what your like, but what really goes on in your mind when all there is the silence to keep you company.

1.) A world changing event happens as your sitting in class. The teacher turns the tv on to watch it..
Its just the beginning, You whisper
You wonder what your true love is thinking
You grin planing your next attack
You continue to sleep
You start another game of Dungeons and Dragons
You yell at the teacher to change it to MTV
You check your jacket to make sure your stash is ok
You laugh and carve your name into your desk

2.) You have nothing else to do so you go and to rent a book from your local library
Edgar allen poe
Your lovers fav book
Mein Kampf
Reading hah you wouldn't get up from your couch
anything on summoning creatures
Biography of your fav artists
A book on Botany
Anarchist's cookbook

3.) As you look out your office windows you notice paratroopers descending apon the city.....
You leave heading for the nearest abandoned church(home)
You call your girlfriend/boyfriend telling them you love them
You raise your arm in salute asking to join there side
Your to involved with your game of Tetris to notice
You put on your best armor and go to defend against the invaders
You continue downloading mp3's
Your thankful its not your fields there attacking
You cheer yelling down with the government

4.) Your about to cross the boarder when boarder patrol pulls you over and asks what's in the trunk
Crosses, Bibles, and Crow feathers
A gift for my wife/husband
Boarder patrol notices the car filled with shaved neo nazis and says you can leave
Old nes cartridges
Armor, Potions, Swords
Band equipment
You freak and speed off
You yell fuckin pig

5.) Your given an army of 100 men
You send them out to retrieve lost artifacts of the dark ages
Have them prepare a romantic dinner for your loved one
You rally more forces then march onto the capital
Let them do whatever they want
Start a big D/D tournament
Teach them to play instruments
Take out the local dealers with them
Send them to destroy as much as they can before there stopped

6.) You stand before god and ask
Why have you forsaken me?
I have died before my wife/husband has can you make sure they have a happy life?
why did you create jews?
Bet, i can beat u at pong, wanna play?
How many skill points do i get for that?
Whats your fav song?
Am i going to hell?
You just yell about how much he sucks
Where's my hacky sak?

7.) Your given one wish you ask for?
True love
A united Germany
Nothing you dont care
Set of golden dice
To meet your fav artist

8.) In 25 years your most likely to be...
Happily married with kids
World dictator
In bed
In your moms basment
At a concert
In Mexico
In Prison

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