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» Quiz: Which guy is best for you?
Which guy is best for you?
created by Bloodytears88

Three different guys, three very different personalities. Which one is your soul mate?

1.) What would you most likely wear?
Camo pants, tank top
tight black pants, band t-shirt
black baggy bondage pants, black shirt, chains, spikes

2.) What would you want to do on your first date?
Go to a loud metal show
go to the mall then to his house to make out
Have a romantic dinner then cuddle up and watch a scary movie (to get close to him)

3.) You're upset and need to talk... what do you want to hear?
Baby, don't worry about it... OH! My favorite show's on! Hush for a second.
Oh, babe, don't worry. I'm sure everything will work out for the best. Don't cry! I love you so much! You know i'm always here for you.
It's okay... s/he's an asshole... don't think about it.

4.) What would you want him to look like?
tall, dark, handsome, curly hair
tall, long curly hair, very pale
semi-tall, bald, very nice build
very pale, light hair, 8 pack

5.) What may you get into a fight about?
anything and everything
other girls or guys (jealousy)
which show to go to

6.) You had big plans for your anniversary. But, last minute, you had to cancel on account of an illness. What would he do?
Say it's okay, then go. He'd show up at your house later with chicken noodle soup for two, and all your favorite movies
Shrug it off and spend the night on the phone/computer with you
Bitch and moan and then go out with his friends and get high to feel better

7.) When picking a movie, what would he pick?
anything you want, whether it's a chyk flick, horror, or action

8.) You're in the hospital... what does he bring you?
A teddy and a bouquet of roses
a get well soon card and a teddy
Flowers and a card

9.) You get a haircut. What is his reaction?
points then laughs and says
Laughs and says it doesn't look that bad

10.) Finally, you are two different religions. What does he say when you get into a discussion?
You are SO ignorant! Christianity is the only right religion! I WILL convert you!
I respect your beliefs, but i don't follow them. However, i have researched it so i know about it.
Thats cool... doesn't matter to me.

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