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» Quiz: What type of horse will you become in the afterlife?
What type of horse will you become in the afterlife?
created by HorseKri

Find out what horse you could possibly be inthe afterlife, if your are even a horse. :P

1.) As usual... your favorite tone of colors?
Earthy tones, like green.
Hot, Fiery colors like red, or yellow-white.
Oceany tones, like blue and aqua green, maybe purple.
Any bright, rosy colors, like sunshine-yellow or flowery-pink!
Dark colors, like richer purples and blacks.
Who cares! I'm nuts! Well, I do like road-grey...

2.) Alrighty then, the old mare in your paddock starts to kick and bully you. You:
kick and bite back, throwing a childish fit.
Flee to the far end of the corner and keep a close eye on her until the farmer comes out.
Hiss at her and do your best to act like you have bloody fangs.
Smile an ask her to stop hurting you.
TELL HER TO PISS OFF! Or kill her...

3.) A little girl slowly walks up to you, sticking a hand full of oats out to you and quivering with fear. You are so tall! You:
Hold your head high and bare your teeth. The little squirt has a good reson to fear you!
Begin to twitch as you sniff the oats.
You sniff the oats, then hurry to the back of the stall/field.
Nicker happily and take the oats, then lick the child so she giggles.
Take the oats, sniff the little child, and go to sleep.

4.) The stable owner is having a huge blowout sale of tack and horses. A young man comes and tries you out. He stabs you in the sides angrily, using the whip. You:
Suceed in screaming and throwing a mad fit, nearly trampling him as you run off.
Spook and twitch with every touch of the whip or foot.
Simply roll on him, hoping to crush his pathetic human bones.
Obey his commands with worry. Either it was an accident or he doesn't know how a horse works.
Follow his commands, anger smoldering inside. Kill him when it'll seem like an accident the most!
Stop and let him torture you.

5.) A barn cat has kittens and needs you to babysit. YOU:
Think it is bewildering for a horse to babysit and run away.
Stare at the kittens until she comes back, totally unaware of her leaving you and the little devils.
Hang out by yourself while the local dog nurses them.
Gladly watch over them and declare yourself the little furballs' guardian angel.
Protect the horse with a large saddle.
Prance around them while singing.

6.) A horse of the opposite gender is attracted to you, and you seem to be investigating them as well. Making the first move, you:
Show them how tough you are and how fun tormenting a human is.
Have staring contests with him/her all day long.
Discuss matters such as the boxes humans go to sleep in after you roll on them.
Pluck flowers and race happily all day long!
Flirt and show off. Let them know you're the best thing that ever galloped into their life!
Argue playfully about who's crazier for mud pies.

7.) Lastly,What do you think about Invader Zim?
I wish he had a pony.
Pick flowers with him...?

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224 times this week
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