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» Quiz: What horse from HR stables are you?
What horse from HR stables are you?
created by Horsejumper902

Please take this quiz it's really cool! There is currently pictures on 4 out of 10 of the horses but the rest are coming soon!

1.) If you were a horse, what color would you be?
Strawberry Roan
Light Grey
Dappled Grey

2.) What breed would you be if you were a horse?
Tennesse Walker cross
Appendix QH (Quarter Horse/ Thoroughbred)
Pony/ Arabian cross
QH/ Paint

3.) You are a horse, and you are trotting smoothly around the arena. Out of the blue, SMACK, your rider hits you with her crop. You......
Start bucking like a bronco and take off at a gallop.
Break into a canter and start being really annoying. You start trying to turn in and cough constantly until the rider gives up and dismounts.
Throw in an irritated buck before breaking into a sloppy but fast canter.
Start cantering smoothly like a gentleman. Everyone has bad days sometimes.

4.) If you were a horse how old would you be?
10 years
21 years
6 years.
16 years.

5.) What height would you be as a horse?
13.2 hands.
15 hands.
15.2 hands.
14.0 hands.

6.) You are a horse, and you are pointed toward a 2 ft. fence at a steady trot. You............
Trot steadily up to it until about 4 ft. away. Then you slow down and it takes lots of leg to get you over the jump.
As long as the rider is threatening me with a crop, I continue trotting and pop over the fence.
Bolt toward it at a quick canter, then overjump it by about 2 feet.
Continue in the steady trot and fly over the fence. Fighting will get you NOWHERE.

7.) (As a horse) You are on a trail ride, and all of a sudden a deer darts across you path. You..........
Rear up, then bolt. Must- get- away- from-it!!!!!!!
Jerk your head up in suprise before breaking into a canter and prancing sideways.
Jump back. Your rider cues you to move forward so you break into a nervous trot and continue on your way.
Keep walking- it was just a harmless deer. Besides, you woudn't want to frighten your rider.

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112 times this week
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