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» Quiz: What kind of rider are you?
What kind of rider are you?
created by jumper0102

jumper..dressage? find out here!

1.) AANND start! its a saturday night...you're:
taking a jog around town, what else?
sitting on the couch watching TV...half sleeping.
downstairs, doing you're final workout before you head out to that big party!
dancing to that wonderful music i found, what a night!
walking my dog, and then maybe I'll watch saturday night live while working out. Sounds fun!

2.) You're finally aloud to get a horse! you race upstairs to the computer and look for a:
warmblood gelding, something that can fly over the hills and jumps and still keep his footing.
maybe a quarter horse, something that is easy to keep and handle so I can ride him for hours down the trails!
a flashy arabian mare with lots of class and shine. I don't care if she's 100k...I'll still buy her!
something with scope and interest, i don't care about the breed, maybe a thoroughbred or a pony. Dosen't matter, as long as it can jump 3ft!
THOROUGHBRED!! nothing but!! One with speed and stamina..,LET'S FLY!!
i dont care!

3.) you're a horse, and you're owner is:
Someone with alot of dare, speed and exhillerance. Someone who only goes for the top, no lower! someone like me! :D
A nice 8 year old girl, with just enough skills to take me out on the trails and ride me for hours, just me and her. The way it's supposed to be!
Someone who is older, experienced and who loves to fly over jumps and hills, not afraid of a challenge...
Someone who is classic, has class and only settles for class
Someone who has speed, but dosent over do it. Who concentrates of keeping her horses focused and ready for the next jump...

4.) last but not least, what is your barn like?
tidy!! not a speck of dirt ANYWHERE! it's cleaned once a day. And the grass paddocks are as big as the dressage arena!
clean, but not overly clean. Like a normal barn would be...duh!
big...HUGE....with many arena's and tracks. With a big tack room for all the saddles and bridles of my big sting of horses.
a small barn big enough for me and my horses, crammed with extra jumps I over jumped.
a feild and a run in shed. I keep my tack in my room

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