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» Quiz: How much of a dork are you?
How much of a dork are you?
created by Surlian

A quiz about just how cool (or uncool) you are in the eyes of the world.

1.) Do you consider yourself a 'dork'?
No way!
Not really.
No, but I've been called that once or twice.
Sure, why not?
Yes sir, I sure am. Resistance is futile!
Maybe. Maybe not. I'm too busy immersing myself in a fantasy world to realize what label I fit under.

2.) Have you ever watched Star Trek?
Not really. That show's kinda weird.
Occasionally, when nothing else is on. Will Shatner is hilarious.
No way, man. That crap's for weirdos. Aliens? SciFi? None of that's real.
Yes. Religiously. I have every episode on tape.
Yes -- but only the original. Beam me up, Scotty!

3.) Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons?
What is that, a computer game?
Never played, but I've heard of it.
Ooo, isn't that the devil's game? Can I join in?
No, I've never played, but I've always wanted to. Where can I find a game?
Once or twice.
Yes! I play regularly, sometimes in three or four groups at a time. It's so much fun!
I'm a Dungeon Master, and if not, well, I'm practically there. I've played multiple campaign settings.

4.) What do you know about computer programming?
I am teh programming m4570r h4x0r! Ph33r.
I know it exists, but I have no clue how to use it beyond a couple simple HTML commands.
I'm taking/I have taken a computer class at my place of education because I genuinely wanted to.
I took the blowoff computer class in high school 'cause I had to. Programming is for
I've built a website up from scratch once or twice, even if it wasn't beautiful.

5.) What can be found on your computer desk at any given moment?
Books, game guides, a can of mountain dew, RPG game CDs
Programming bibles, several cans of Mountain Dew, half-eaten food, printouts from webcomics, character sheets
The Sims, assorted clutter, CDs left out of cases.
It's pretty clean, I'm not at it for much of anything but talking to friends on AIM and typing up school papers.
The fantasy book you're reading, your CDs, your bag of dice, some mechanical pencils.

6.) Two friends of yours are in a fight. Why?
On of them flirted with the other's significant other, and then they said they asked for it and they're pregnant with your babeh.
I don't know, they just had some fight. Friends do.
I remember something about -- Oh yeah. Jane hasn't given Matt's book back yet, and she's had it for like, two years!
One of them owes the other a ton of gas money for their trips up to the Renaissance Festival/the comic book store/the book store....
It's not those two -- it's me and him. He beat me at Starcraft, AGAIN!
Saetan spilled Red Bull on Gremlin's character sheet -- ooo, man. I'd be mad, too!

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