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» Quiz: are you a dumbass?
are you a dumbass?
created by lovehungherself

1.) your friends all have brand name clothing, cell phones, and nice cars. do you...?
beg, steal, borrow or ask mommy so you can have what they have. if you don't, they might reject you! oh no!
you work hard to earn those nice things in life.
study hard so you can make money someday so you can have such nice things.
say fuck 'em. then steal their shit.
not care. your friends don't care about shit like that anyway. you and your friends care about who people are on the inside, not what they have.
who's to say i don't already have all that?!

2.) what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
(girls) shopping with my friends, checking out hot guys, listening to britney spears. (guys) hanging with my bros, gettin with the hos.
whatever my friends are doing as long as it sounds like fun.
research, gaming online, playing with computers and electronics, chatting. i'm a social retard!
masturbating, what do you think i'm doing??
spending quality time with the people who matter to me, conversing. maybe go to a museum or to a club, whatever sounds good at the time.
i have many hobbies, dismembering assholes being my favorite.

3.) you're in a bar. you're a bit drunk. you see someone you find attractive. what do you do?
grab some ass.
smile, stumble over, say hello. ask him/her if they'd like to go to a poetry reading.
smile. throw up.
try to convince him/her to go home with you.
have some drunken conversation and continue it over coffee if it's amusing.

4.) you're now alone with this person of your drunken desire. do you...?
try to grope them.
fuck them.
show them my computer.
make out and then stop before it gets too sloppy.
masturbate. i'm alone.

5.) your best friend just told you that he/she is gay. what do you do?
none of my friends are fucking homos!
be there for them. this was a very difficult thing to tell you and they need your support. they're still the same person you care about.
cover your shock by spouting off statistics about gays and lesbians.
hey! we can make out now!
act supportive but then avoid them from now on.

6.) do you make fun of anyone who is not like you and your friends?
yes, but only if they're one of those creepy goth kids or a dirty hippie.
well, retards and midgets are just plain funny!
i hate stupid people.
i make fun of anyone who *is* like me and my friends!
if my friends make fun of them first even if i'm not okay with it.
no. i appreciate the uniqueness each human possesses.

7.) does bad grammar and internet shorthand bother you?
go away. you make my brain hurt.
r u saying dis is bad?!
my bros use it so it be ok.

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