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» Quiz: How Racist are you?
How Racist are you?
created by Mindbender

Do you think you like everyone or do you discriminate against some people because of their race? Find out right here!

1.) What percentage of your friends belong to another race that is not the same as yours?
100 percent of my friends are another race than my own, I don't see anything wrong with that!
About half of my friends are another race.
I don't really care to have friends from another race, it makes me feel unconfortable to think that they might make fun of me or pick on me.
People from other races usually do stuff that I'm not into at all, besides, must probably they are jealous of me, 'cause they wish they were my race!
I think that race does not matter much, that's why about 70 percent of my friends are not my own race.
I can't let anyone be my friend, and you can't trust all races, some have weird habits, that's why only 10 percent of my friends are another race
Does it really matter what color or race they are??? A friend is a friend, isn't that right??

2.) How often do you say racist jokes, or say stuff about other races that makes yours seem better?
Hahahaha, all the damn time!!!! In fact, did I ever tell u that joke about the white girl, the black one, and the asian one that are on a plane......
Every now and then, you know, when you are trying to start a conversation or just let time pass by.
I don't think I know many racist jokes, although I dont think it's that bad to laugh at one every now and then as long as you dont take it too serious
I just don't have the heart to have fun by saying things about others. I refuse to say them or listen to them!
I've heard a few, but you will not hear me saying any. It's not right!
I think that the people that usually do that are just looking for attention... oh yeah, and I forgot to say.... they are going to hell!

3.) If a black guy that you don't know comes to you and says... Whats up my nigga?!
I just say hi, and move on, no big deal.
I go straight to his face and say... dont you ever call me that again, cause I'm not black!
I say hi, and in the niciest possible way I tell him that I don't consider or call black people the N word cause it's wrong
I'm black and it doesn't bother me to be called that, so I dont care.
I say hi, but later that day I tell all my friends how some black guy called me a nigga and we all laugh at him.
I say hi and try not to think about it
I don't care much about anything, I dont even care for this test, so I don't care..... unless there's a prize... is there???????

4.) How do you feel about foreigners coming to the US and living here?
Those bastards need to go back to where they came from and stop using what belongs to my people
I don't care as long as they don't mess with me or my family.
I don't think it's that big of a deal, but sometimes I wish they went back to their country.
Hearing them speak another language or in a different way really makes me feel unconfortable, if they wanna be here they should speak english!
This country is made our of many, that's the beauty of it, so what's wrong about it????
They are awesome, there's so many things to learn about them, I try to be nice to them, but what if I shouldn't????

5.) If you are driving home and you see someone needing a ride, who would you must likely take with you?
A white guy or girl with decent clothes, 'cause I dont want some thief in my car!
Must probably anyone if they really need it, but I would feel more confortable it it's someone from my own race.
I don't care what race they are, I'm not picking anyone, I just don't pick up strangers.
It's the same to me if it's my race or not, as long as they look like they really need it, or I would at least call them a cab.
If they are not my color, they better get off my way if they don't want me to run them over!!!
I'll try to help them, but as soon as they start talking to me in some other language, I'm kicking them off my car.

6.) Would you marry someone from another race?
HELL NO!!!! That's just wrong. People need to stick to their own race! That's what God wants... I think...
Hmmmm.... ask me later, maybe when I actually care about something and have a life!!!!!
It would be awesome, mixed babies are the cuttest things on this Earth!
I would prefer not to, but if I screw up... oh well, it can't be that bad!
I might marry someone my own race, but if I met someone from another race that loves me, I dont think it would matter much.

7.) Have you ever got in trouble with the law, a teacher, your parents, or any other authority for doing something considered racist?
Never!!! I would never do that!
Yeah, a few times, it was funny as hell!
Yeah, once or twice, I was so ashamed of myself.
I don't remember, I have bad memory........ Where am I?.... What was we talking about?
Oh yeah, I dont care if I end up in jail for the rest of my life, I feel like showing you how much I dislike your people, believe me, I'll do it!
If you wanna live where I live you better deal with me making fun of your people! bitch!

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