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» Quiz: Which One Of My Characters Are You?
Which One Of My Characters Are You?
created by Joker

Hello, this is W.C. again. I just wanted to know which one of the characters you have the personality of. These characters are our friends, so they don't exist in your world. DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Thanx. Rate me when you're done please.

1.) Which game do you like to play?
Keep Away
Phht, games are useless. I do not have time for them
Rock climbing

2.) If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
What makes you think I took the money?
Spend some, keep some
I'd give it to charity
Money? What's money?

3.) Which colors would you perfer?
The whole rainbow!
Red/Black/Dark Blue/White
White/Yellow/Pink/Orange/Light Blue
Anything tasty!

4.) If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring?
Food, water, and a camping set.
What the hell makes you think I'm going to get stuck on a damn piece of land in the middle of the ocean?!? Geez, people these days and their sarcasm..
My cellphone, water, and food
A shovel and sand and the sun!

5.) What do you do in your spare time?
I read and write things...
I eat all the goodies I can nab! I mean, eat all the candy I can get from the kitchen
I study ancient history
Smell the pretty flowers outside.
Who has spare time when you have so much to do?!?

6.) What's one of your physical traits that represent you?
My head
My smile
My ears
My eyes
My long/short hair

7.) What is your ideal career?
Making a huge house out of candy!
Being a masterminded criminal stealing the worlds most precious artifacts.
A famous biologist
Playing in the sand.
Following in my brother's footsteps

8.) Would you ever get away with stealing or lying?
Who would ever do such a thing?!?
Most of the time...but they always catch me
It's what Iive for!
Half of the time I do, but my brother always covers for me.

9.) What would you do if your parents grounded you for a week?
I don't have any parents
This sucks! Oh, well, I guess it's for a good reason anyway...
Um...You mean the one's that died? Well, they technically and physicaly can't...

10.) What's the first thing that pops in your head when you see the word: blood?
I'm full of it!

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21 times this week
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