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» Quiz: How lonely are you?
How lonely are you?
created by totentanz79

Uncover the natural truth about your ability to stand alone!

1.) When you see a couple kissing in the streets, your reaction is....
Think aww how sweet, the best of luck to them.
Remember your recent kissing binge and think how nice it would be to do it again.
Think how not fair it is, and how you deserve what he or she is experiencing, while you tear.

2.) When your phone doesn't ring for days you.....
Say oh thank god, I have some peace.
Begin to wonder why it is you got a cell phone in the first place, because noone calls you anyway.
Look at your phone and demand it to ring. Ring dammit ring!
Sift through your phone book and call everyone and anyone. Even if it's someone you don't like that much.

3.) Your main reason for signing on the internet is too....
Research and download
Find love.
To see if someone interesting emailed you
To build your buddy list and hope someone ims you.

4.) Your watching a movie about a guy and a girl that fall in love you think....
I have my own love life to entertain me, not another love story grrr.
Yell at the screen how he isn't right for her , and her not for him.
Start to cry, when remember a guy/girl who hurt you.
Cry hysterically because its not fair how you don't have someone to love you and you them.

5.) You are asked out by a guy/girl you have only known a couple of days you...
Say sorry I don't have time for relationships right now
Consider it, but first go on a few dates.
Burst with excitement, yes , yes I thought you would never ask.

6.) You go out to a bar to see your friends band, you look around and see everyone in groups having a good time, you.....
Dive on in and have fun too
Standing around wondering when someone is going to notice and speak to you.
You observe with a sort of sad smile.
You act as if you too are having a good time, meanwhile you are just getting in a word here and there with the ones you do know
Feel sad and out of place.

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