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» Quiz: Will you be a Demon or Angel?
Will you be a Demon or Angel?
created by Yameretzu

I have different beifs from most, I believe that when we die we either become a demon or angel, with angels not necessarily good and demons not necessarily bad. I think we will be connected with the elements as well. So find out what you will be and what element that will entail.

1.) Where would you prefer to be?
By a fireside at night.
Out in the sun during the day.
Walking along the road at night with a gentle breeze blowing past you.
Walking along a road on a windy day with the wind gentally caressing you're face.
Swimming in the sea at night when its peaceful or walking along the beach at night.
Swimming in the sea or on a beach during the day.
In a forest at night with the shadows of the trees and the solitude and calmness of the trees around you.
In a forest during the day or in a garden planting flowers.
Staying up at ight with you're computer/T.v/Video games or any other electrical appliance.
Jogging or about alot, you have a lot of energy, you like to be outside during the day doing something.
Staring at the moon and stars at night enjoying there glow.
You enjoy being in the sun, your most favorite season is summer. You are easily exited. You are innocent and like to be good.
You like the shadows, during the day you are in the darkest place possibe and at night you come outside. You enjoy solitude.
You are a oner, you are in a secluded spot on a sunny day in a park reading.
It is night, you are all alone, you care for nothing around you, anyone who looks at you gets an icey stare in return.
You like the daytime, but you dislike people, they probably get icey glances from you at most. You are probably at an ice skating rink alone.

2.) What is your favorite colour?
Crimson or dark red, colour of blood or secret passions.
You like bright red, it symbolises courage and love.
Grey, pastle colours, symbolises intelligence and a daydreamer.
Cream, pastle colours, symbolises hidden talent.
Dark blues, some purples, symbolises a layed back passive person.
Light blues, symbolises a layed back calm and friendly person.
Dark greens, earthy tones, symbolises someone who is down to earth and does not show feelings.
Light greens, earthy tones, symbolises a down to earth friendly and generally solid person. (a person who can be trusted).
Yellows, cosmic blues, a hyper person who does not fit in with society.
Yellows, electric blues, an energetic happy person who is quite hyper.
Whites, greys, both dark and light colours, symbolises a balanced life.
Whites lightest colours, you are pure and innocent.
You like really dark colours such as black, blood red, dark purple, dark green, a dark and solitery person.
Blacks, greys, a combination, symbolises your a balanced person.
Ice blue, cold coloure, you like to be alone.
Ice blue, cold colours, you like only a few friends.

3.) How would you prefer to die?
By drowning alone with no-one to save you.
In a burning building while you was making sure the others got out safely.
Feezing to death in a calming yet cold enviroment.
Die of a good deed, saving another.
Burning alone.
By earthquake or old age, dieing alone.
By saving someone during a wind storm or a hurricane.
Die alone freezing to death.
Die of the abyss finnally swallowing you.
Die while helping someone escape something dark.
Die at night with the stars above you.
Die from a freak thunderstorm during the day.
Die from the electric chair.
Die bye natural ways, your time will come.
Die alone by freak hurricane.
Die in the water helping people.

4.) What animal most reprisents you?
Polar bear.

5.) What mythological creature do you most accociate with?

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