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» Quiz: How do you love?
How do you love?
created by RozzieBear

Are you kinkay and sweet, or do you love 'em and leave 'em?

1.) Where do you and your sweetie normally go for a good time?
Anywhere we can get it on, baybaaaay.
Well, his house or mine. And there's usually whipped cream and leather involved.
To a fancy restaurant, formally dressed, at a windowside table overlooking the ocean.
Why, anywhere is fine as long as I'm with my snoogy-woogums!
My 'sweetie' and I go to a motel. End of story.
To a club! There are so many people, and I love doing things with my baby when there are lots of people watching.
Umm... We stay at home and watch TV, or something. Social situations scare me.
Nightclubs. Actually, usually the bathrooms of nightclubs.
My house to watch the game and stuff our faces with junk shit.

2.) How do you and your sweetie express your love for one another?
There's fucking (and lots of it), and then there's the post-coital I love you. Word.
I like to bite him a little, and then he does it, and then we kinda kiss, and then...
Bi-weekly present exchanges and candlelit dinners at the Bistro.
With eskimo kisses, of course!
Love? Who said anything about love?
Simple: we do things in public. Knowing that your partner is comfortable enough to do that is knowing that they love you.
We sit at home on the couch and snuggle... Sometimes we kiss, though!!
We promise to be gentle. ;)
Well, the sex could've been worse...

3.) Okay, random, but what animal do you think you're most like?
A non-monogamous one...?
A Cocker Spaniel or a Poodle or something... I just LO-O-OVE my sweetie! -cling-
A parakeet. Because no matter how much I love sex, that's reserved for my sweetie.
A dolphin! They're cute, cuddly, affectionate, and they do it for fun!
Lovebird. Need I say more?
A monkey. Are monkeys exhibitionists? Yeah, a monkey.
One that doesn't get out much. A mole, maybe?
A dog/elephant. Because no matter how horny I get, I always remember that it's my sweetie I want.
A peacock. Who needs a sweetie when there's so much eye candy?

4.) And now to face the inevitable: SEX. You and your partner. Go!
Mm. Anywhere, anytime. And then I tell my friends what happened, and then I tell my online friends, and then I tell...
It's dominatrix time. -whip snap-
No matter what, always hot and steamy.
Sex? No thanks, I've got sock drawers to organize.
Well... Sometimes... In the privacy of one of our rooms... But only if nobody will know about it!
Give me a halfway decent motel room and half an hour.
Hmm... Well, we use a lot of pet names in the bedroom. Yay!
Ooh. We like to use toys and erotic foods. Stimulation-amundo!
It's always really sweet and gentle... And that's the way we like it.

5.) What's your favorite color?
Black. It matches my dungeon decor.
Pink because it's crazy and spontaneous!
Red; it's so sensuous and arousing... And it's the color of love.
Bright, pretty colors!
I dunno. Beige? Orange? Teak?
Bright purple. It's IN YOUR FACE and so very noticeable.
Dark blue or black. It's not very noticeable 'cuz it's so common.
Dark colors, but nice colors. Maroon, Forest Green, things like that.
Whatever my partner's is.

6.) Last question: To be... or not to be?
I dunno what you're talking about, but I don't care!
...What's wrong with you?
Ahh, Shakespeare is so romantic...
What? Snoogy-woogy wips, do you know the answer?
To be! And be surround by people, dammit!
...Um... um... not to be?
I don't care, as long as my baby and I are having hot, steamy, sensual, compassionate sex.
Ask my partner. They're always right...

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