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» Quiz: What horse breed is right for you?
What horse breed is right for you?
created by HorseWhisperer5493

It will match you up with your perfect horse.

1.) Do you want:
An obedient horse.
A stubborn horse.
A horse that is stubborn but loves to please you.
A horse that doesn't fully trust anyone but you.
A good horse that sometimes surprises you with a playful buck.
A horse that has a mind of its own but over time will come to trust and love you.
An easy horse that can do almost anything.
A solid horse that is gentle but might need a firm hand.
A horse that can do anything and may surprise you once in a while.
A gental horse that can easly please.

2.) Would you:
Ride for the fun of it, do nice short jumps at a gallop!
Prove to everyone your horse can outrun a car!
Ride for fun, galloping out on a trail!
Do small jumping shows, maybe even some Cross Country!
Show Dressage, make sure everyone sees your top class horse.
Do mainly trail, maybe a show or two....................
Ride a lot during the week at a nearby stable, maybe you'll be good enough to ride in a show!
Trails, jumping, cross country, anything that lets you and your horse have fun!
Western! Roping, barrel racing you do it all, your on the road a lot, but you and your horse love it, so who cares!

3.) Your ideal horse:
One that has a sleek coat that gleams when it runs.
A ragged horse, hard on the eyes but soft on the heart.
A cute pony with a way too long forlock!
A gleaming beauty, the most flashy horse!
A mix colored horse, maybe spotted.......
A big strong horse, cute and tolerates dress-up!
One color is soooooo boring, different colors and a glossy main and tail is your horse!
A sleek horse, maybe a buckskin, or sorrel.
A short, cute pony, and a race horse for its size!

4.) You would:
Train your horse yourself, you've never done it before but WHO CARES!
Buy a horse that's trained, duh!
My dad of course! No one train the horses better then him!
Well my mom is good at trianing horses too!
I thought all horses came trained! Oh no!
My friend's aunt's friend trains horses. Maybe he can train my horse! He likes a challenge!(at least I think so)
Get a local trainer.
Get a friend who is a professional, have them train your horse, and then work closely watching the horse's success!
Get the best trainer EVER! After all, you are going to show a lot.

5.) What is your level in riding? Be honest!:
Beginner but can handle intermediate horses.
In between intermediate and advanced.
Intermediate, but can handle advanced horses.
In between intermediate and advanced but more advanced.
Beginner and Intermediate, I don't really know.
I have never ever ridden in my life so I guess I'm a beginner.

6.) Do you:
Hate crops, and never like using them.
Don't like using crops.
Don't mind using crops but would prefer not using them.
Use crops when necessary.
I always use crops, but I never really think about it.
I never really thought about it before.
Think crops are a good way to speed a horse up.
Need a crop, it's the only way to get a horse to behave.
Use crops because, well, I don't know, because I think I'm supposed to.

7.) Your future job (with horses):
A jockey! Or an owner of a big race horse farm.
An instructor, you love working with kids.
Have a little horse farm.
A trail guide, riding the trails all day long is what you live for.
You have a few horses and own a boarding stable.
Western shows till you can't ride any more you love it soooooo much!
You have a small horse farm. You give lessons, and ride just for pleasure. You also may train horses.
You have a big farm or own a vaulting stable.
You're a show queen! Every week, every day, you eat, sleep and breath shows!

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