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» Quiz: ?What Random Picture Are You?
?What Random Picture Are You?
created by oncearmedboxer

Find out which random photo you are based on your results!

1.) You are driving your car and accidentally hit a deer. The deer takes off and disappears into the adjacent woods. Do you...?
Park the care and follow the deer into the woods. It might be hurt or dying!
Continue driving, hoping for the best.
Follow the wounded deer into the woods. Deer meat is really good grilled or made into jerky!
Drive to a station of local authority and inform them of the accident before heading home.
Step on the gas and haul ass! Your time is too valuable to be wasted on a single deer.

2.) What's your favorite color?

3.) You've just purchased a new house and plan to build some cool stuff in the backyard! What do you want to build?
A badass rollercoaster and half-pipe!
An Olympic-sized swimming pool.
A gigantic fountain.
Dig up the entire lawn and pave it all over with concrete.
Leave it the way it is. Nature is the most beautiful when it is untouched.

4.) Favorite food?
Bread, pasta and grains
A three and a half pound Lobster, small salad and white wine.
Jerk chicken, pork and a Pina Colada
Sushi, tempura and a seaweed salad.

5.) You are in a bar and see that your best friend is being hit on by an imposing member of the opposite sex. She/He is clearly uncomfortable but can't seem to get away. What do you do?
Quickly walk over to the pair, seperate your friend and have a frank discussion with the individual on manners and the right ways to act in public.
Run over and tackle the aggresive individual, pausing only to break a beer bottle over their head, jabbing the broken glass into their retinas.
Gather a bunch of your friends and approach, hoping to resolve the problem with group pressure.
Ignore the problem, but wait in the parking lot for the aggressor to get in her/his car, then jump them.
Politely ask the individual to leave or at least buy the other person a drink.

6.) Favorite band?
Gethro Tull
Bob Marley
Classical jazz

7.) Word association: match this word with another that you feel fits best. LIFE---

8.) Fill in the blank with the first word you feel relates to your life.

9.) Name the virtue you feel is most important:

10.) Finally, what did you think of this test?
It was interesting, but I'd rather be doing something else.
It was a complete waste of my time.
It was great!
Totally boring and tedious!
Fun and a good way to kill some time!

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141 times this week
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