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» Quiz: Which 'Damn Yankees' character are you most like
Which 'Damn Yankees' character are you most like
created by HermioneGranger

The musical 'Damn Yankees' holds a bunch of colorful characters! want to know who you're like? check it out!

1.) If you had a chance to go back in time, to have your dream job, would you?
No, I would want to stay with my family
If I could get another man from going back, sure.
Yes! I would!
Maybe.... I don't know....

2.) If you saw a man / women, and you knew they were married.... but you REALLY liked the, would you hit on them?
No, I mean, I wouldn't. It's not nice.
Yes, duh! If I find a sexy person, I will..... In a heart beat!
Well, I really like my husband/wife ....... but what if I get tempted?
I really don't know. If other people would do it, so would I.

3.) What would your friend describe you as?
A funny, up beat, friendly person.
A hott, sexy person, who always get's what they want.
They would say I'm obssessed with what I'm interested in.
They would say I'm a huge fan of what ever is 'in'...... it's true

4.) How would you feel if your favorite sports team was in the pennant and winning?
I would be so excited, I'm a fan, but I wouldn't be overly excited.
If we win, wonderful.... I can go to the after party and hook up with one of the players ( not like that kind of player!!!!)
w00t! I would be SO happy.... but, I would probably be the one playing.
I would be SO, SO, SO , SO happy. I'm the team's 1 fan

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