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» Quiz: Which Trailer Park Boy Are You?
Which Trailer Park Boy Are You?
created by bleedinglilly

Find out which TPB character you are most similar to! Take the quiz and see..

1.) Corey and Trevor seem to have some spare time away from Lucy for the day. What will you have them help you with?
Collect and Sort through the trailer park's garbage for collection because it is the responsible thing for 2 little shitturds to be doing.
Collect some shopping carts and help fix them and give them to a mall for some quick cash..
Come up with some dairy queen coupons so you can recieve some delicious burgers! mmm food..
Help wash your bitchass ride, steal some car stereos for some quick kaching, and set up some microphones and shit for an adult movie shoot.
Give you some chips and smokes. Then have them get to work harvesting some killer buds of the huge clones growing in the nearby field.
Have them mix you a few rum and cokes to help you relax.

2.) Your favorite thing to do is..?
Think about the philosophy.
Eat pepperoni and chicken chips..
Spy on everyone and try to catch people up to know good..
Enjoy role-playing with a close buddy and getting kinky..
You love music and like to hone your skills at it..
You like to drink and try to stay level headed and out of jail..

3.) Your favorite possession(s) are?
badge, and play outfits
rum glass, sports car, and answering machine
Hash hockey table
your feline friends, your guitar, and your rotting puppet who lives in the nearby swamp-pond
a grill, a smokey hat, and some cologne
Your black side-kick who helps tranlate everything you say..

4.) The mood you are most likely to be in most of the time can be described as..
Pissed! So frigg off already..

5.) You are often seen..
Devouring loads of tasty store-bought burgers in one sitting..
Thinking about why your parents abandoned you..
Cursing the heavens for your stupidity..
Getting drunk and reminiscing about your days on the force..
Rattling off some phat rhymes and insults to people..
Thinking of get rich quick schemes without having to go to jail..

6.) What is your favorite color?

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